Micro Strategies for Digital Presence and Online Product Promotions for boosting Brand Performance and Potential Possibilities
Micro Steps for leveraging the Power of Social Media Platforms and Digital Media Networks leveraging the Power of Positive News Reporting
Creating and Connecting Clients for Awesome User Experiences + better User Retention for Progressive Success
Connecting the dots through Creative Writing, posts, articles, podcasts, videos + social media reviews and community driven networking
Why Grow linearly when Exponential Growth is Potentially Possible by application of Authentic tools and technology services.
Build your Brand, Enhance your Presence and Grow your Business or Company Digital Presence in the dynamically disruptive world.
Time to Invest in Micro Experiences for Exponential Excellence in your chosen domains with support and services of our Expertise
Time is to align with Micro Experts for continuous Professional Services and Solutions for 100X Growth.
The MicroX Community and Circle of Experts will serve and Support your Digital Presence and Brand Building process.
Micro StartUp Founder's Ecosystem
The first step for Incubating Innovations and Inspiring Micro StartUps / Entrepreneurs launched
Micro Learning & Experiences
The Digital Services and Solutions w.r.t. Brand Presence and Digital Marketing / Influencing initiated
Micro Masters Ecosystem
The Training Platform for NxtGen Professionals through L&D session for Emerging Technology/I4.0
MicroStars Network & Community
Recognizing and Rewarding Micro Stars for their exemplary Services and Solutions for benefit of all
Why hire and develop own costly team when Experts are ready to Serve & Support you as your dedicated Micro Solutions & Service Providers + Growth Partners without any fixed cost.
360 degree Digital Brand Development, Marketing and Social Media Business Support Ecosystem for Micro Startups, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs and Innovators.
We are not only giving quality services and support for Digital Brand Marketing and Social Media Presence but also share and train you to learn and implement the authentic tools and best practices yourself.
Time to Unite Our Skills, Knowledge, Resources and Work to Achieve 100X Potential Possibilities for Exponential Excellence in Life/Work
We Create | Execute | Operate the Micro Projects by/for Micro Entrepreneurs + Social Impact Projects based on Innovative / Inspiring Ideas for New India – Atma Nirbhar Smaridh Bharat (100xIndia)
We are Ready to take new projects for Website / WebApp Development, Creative Content Writing, Business Analytics, Prototype Development, Digital Marketing Strategy , Social Media Promotion / Influence Marketing and Micro StartUps Incubation, Emerging Technology enabled Services & Support for NxtGen
Together we can Do More | Be Stronger to Grow Rapidly and Reach Higher Levels of Excellence. That’s how We Think – Feel – Act to Achieve 100xPotential
"What I needed initially from an agency is the quality with trust and dynamic relations w.r.t. my goals. Thanks I choose to go ahead with MicroX - they are now my extended family and we work in total alignment. I sometimes feel they are my own team members."
" Not only I am able to complete my website in 4 days, the content writers opened / aligned my vision and suggested some great technical inputs, which is actually helping me in serving a wider range of audiences. Thanks MicroX for shifting my Vision from Scarcity-based mind to Abundance and Happier Mindset'.
"My inte."rnship period of 3 months, followed by independent project handling helped me to launch myself as a Freelancer and start earning from day one. The MicroX is the 'Temple of Learning' for me. The Mentors and Core members are my lifetime Gurus and I owe my instant success to them. I am delighted to get associated with them as a freelance Project Associate while developing / growing my own brand. I recommend MicroX to all bootstrapped Startups / Micro Entrepreneurs without any iota of doubt. "
We Create, Operate, Educate and Facilitate 100xSuccess to all professional members and industrial clients without discrimination or fear of losing the potential business while revealing the tricks of the Digital Marketing Brand Building.
We strongly believe that a stronger Ecosystem of Professionals will serve and support each other for exponential growth while achieving their own potential possibilities in life/Work.
That’s our AHM Philosophy and 100xMantra for CoCreating Collective, Collaborative Conscious Community of Professionals.
We are equipped to assess, find the gaps and support you to plan and execute an effective Brand Presence and Digital Marketing Strategy for 100x Growth
We are capable not only to guide and train your team to achieve best performance, but also the implement and execute smart business strategies for 100x Growth
Well researched and wisely written content following all important elements and tricks for better and effective SEO / Tending Keyword Marketing and Digital Campaign
Every moment we create, operate and educate someone or ourselves. Every task, technique and talent reaches its excellence when practiced by many individually and collectively and all learning shared openly for benefit of all. That’s why we are not just a close-ended organization we are a open-ended community. Every Experience Counts. Share Yours or Learn from others.
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We are expanding our core team, community and portfolio of projects. Let’s Connect if you Think, Feel and Want to Grow Exponentially.
The Disruptive Digital Domain Presence and Brand Development need a comprehensive team and conscious efforts, consistently. MicroX is initiated to Share, Serve, Support and Strengthen your brand presence by taking Micro Steps for Macro Success.
Innovative Product/Services and/or Inspiring Idea Assessment and Brain-storming for 100x Growth / Success
Design Thinking for Business Planning and Prototype Development and Testing
Implementation of Business Plan, Social Media Campaign and Influence Marketing
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